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Tag Archives: glass
Renault Art Car
Posted in Funny ish
Tagged amazing, art car, awful, beautiful, bedazzled, bling, blinged out, blue, Car Gods, cargods, cool, cool car, covered, custom, customized, drive, flooring, glass, gravel, green, mirror, mirrors, orange, paint, pink, priceless, project car, rainbow, red, renault, rims, sculpture, ugly, unique, wheels, wtf car, Yellow
The Stained Glass Beetle
This awesome and colorful Volkswagen Beetle is covered with marbles and bits of stained glass, even the roof racks have some how managed to get covered with glass and marbles! This car is definitely a great piece of unique art!
Posted in Funny ish
Tagged arizona, art, art car, awesome, beautiful, beetle, bug, california, Colorful, cool, custom, funny, glass, marbles, masterpiece, one of a kind, pimp, red, sick, stained glass, unique, Volkswagen, vw