Tag Archives: rare

Ford Escourt Mini Truck

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lost & forgotten Ben-Dera Ford concept

June of 1998, “Car and Driver” actually featured this vehicle and it’s owner / builder.  His name is John Bender and he built this vehicle because well….. he wanted to.  In fact, he built a couple of them!  I would go into details, but honestly, this article sums it up way better than we ever could.

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the Rare Honda Civugatti

This car has left me speechless….

Nothing I could ever do or say could do this amazing rare one of a kinda car justice. This car just seems to have the power to stir up the emotions inside a person. Love it or hate it, this car will make you feel something!! Whether you like or dislike the mismatch wheels or wether or not you think the person could justify spending the money it took to build this automobile, it leaves you with the feeling of having to show this car to someone else to be able to believe your own eyes.

I’ve seen a lot of goofy cars in my day, but this one just seems to raise the bar a little bit higher…

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Life Sized HotWheels

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EXCLUSIVE SNEAK PEEK of the new 2013 Volkswagen Truck


Volkswagen has not yet made an official statement on the rumored return of the favored 80’s VW mini trucks, but CarGods.com got an exclusive look at the new 2013 concept car.

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