Tag Archives: star wars

The Perfect ‘Nerd’ Truck!

It was a regular crazy day in November when this odd truck caught my eye….

I had just pulled out of a Starbucks drive thru and not 10 minutes earlier I was complaining about it being too cold to get out of my car to walk into the Starbucks. When my brain had finally registered what I was seeing with my eyes, I managed to swiftly speed through a few rows of the Home Depot parking lot. Once I was up close to this funky truck,  in total confusion and shock, I got out of my car and left it on and running in the middle of the parking spots next to this truck. The very first thing I noticed was the Star Wars tailgate, but what was really odd was the passenger side was all Marvel Comic’s super heroes. After walking in circles around the truck 5 or 6 times I figured out why it said Star Wars. Finally after hopping around with positive mixed emotions I managed to take some photos of this super cool truck to share with the world.

CarGods.com loves you!

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StarWars Van

May the force be with you….

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24 Hours Of LeMons

24 Hours of Lemons, March 26-27 2011, Infineon Raceway.

Epic. Winning. Totally frickin’ amazing. Overflowing with awesome. These are some of the phrases I caught myself saying over and over again as I witnessed my first 24 Hours of Lemons this past weekend at Infineon Raceway. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that cars worth $500 or less could be so legendary.

Throughout the race it was easy to see some teams really went above and beyond doing big things (that’s what she said) when it came to setting a theme for their car. Standouts included the Back to the Future car (sorry, no DeLorean) equipped with the pole and hook used to send Marty back to the future, a VW Rabbit with a top hat on the roof of the car that, when the brakes were used, had a pair of rabbits that would pop out of the hat, a 1 of 1 Molvo aka a Mazda Miata fabricated within an old Volvo station wagon, and the crown jewel of them all, a Ferrari 250 GTO replica.

I think the best part of the entire race though, were the pits. Hearing the banging of sledgehammers straightening out a fender, the staunch smell of gasoline, reciprocating saws going to town on the undercarriage, and what I thought best epitomized the whole 24 Hours of Lemons experience, a midrace engine swap. The people were funny, posed for pictures and gave their insight as to what they think is the key to victory (don’t be fooled by the shenanigans, racing is serious bidness!).

Though this was indeed my first Lemons, it certainly, without a doubt, will not be my last. Watch out for team CarGods at the August race!

By: Ben Jackson, Editor at CarGods.com


View All The Photos From 24 Hours Of LeMons Here

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You know what today is? Sexy Sunday!!! (Part 9)

If you like us… tell us!

If you hate us… tell us!

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